0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 Obligations |
  3 About this guide |
  5 MyHealth@EU Requirements |
  6 Artifacts Summary |
   6.1 1 Laboratory Result Content |
   6.2 1.1 Patient/subject |
   6.3 1.2 Health insurance and payment information |
   6.4 1.3 Information recipient |
   6.5 1.4 Author |
   6.6 1.5 Legal authenticator |
   6.7 1.6 Result validator |
   6.8 1.7 Order information and reason |
   6.9 1.8 Specimen information |
   6.10 1.9 Results data elements |
   6.11 1 - Laboratory Report model to this guide |
   6.12 1.1 Subject of care model to this guide |
   6.13 1.2 Health insurance and payment information model to this guide |
   6.14 1.3 Information recipient model to this guide |
   6.15 1.4 Author model to this guide |
   6.16 1.5 Legal authenticator model to this guide |
   6.17 1.6 Result validator model to this guide |
   6.18 1.7 Order model to this guide |
   6.19 1.8 Specimen information model to this guide |
   6.20 1.9 Results data model to this guide |
   6.21 Actor Laboratory Report Consumer |
   6.22 Actor Laboratory Report Creator |
   6.23 Actor Laboratory Report Handler |
   6.24 Actor Laboratory Report Repository |
   6.25 Human Name Obligations |
   6.26 Observation Obligations |
   6.27 Patient Obligations |
   6.28 ServiceRequest Obligations |
   6.29 Specimen Obligations |
   6.30 eHDSI Animal Species |
   6.31 eHDSI Blood Group |
   6.32 eHDSI Body Site |
   6.33 eHDSI Body Site Laterality |
   6.34 eHDSI Body Structure Location Qualifier |
   6.35 eHDSI Country |
   6.36 eHDSI Exceptional Value |
   6.37 eHDSI Illness and Disorder |
   6.38 eHDSI Laboratory Codes |
   6.39 eHDSI Laboratory Report Types |
   6.40 eHDSI Laboratory Specimen Type |
   6.41 eHDSI Laboratory Study Types |
   6.42 eHDSI Laboratory Technique |
   6.43 eHDSI Language |
   6.44 eHDSI Medical Device |
   6.45 eHDSI Microorganism |
   6.46 eHDSI Morphologic Abnormality |
   6.47 eHDSI Observation category |
   6.48 eHDSI Observation Interpretation |
   6.49 eHDSI Performer Function |
   6.50 eHDSI Presence Absence |
   6.51 eHDSI Rare Disease |
   6.52 eHDSI Reaction Allergy |
   6.53 eHDSI Reference Range Applies To |
   6.54 eHDSI Reference Range Meaning |
   6.55 eHDSI Unit |
   6.56 Body structure: Laboratory |
   6.57 Bundle: Laboratory |
   6.58 Composition: Laboratory |
   6.59 Coverage: Laboratory |
   6.60 Device: measuring |
   6.61 Device: specimen subject |
   6.62 DiagnosticReport: Laboratory |
   6.63 Observation Results: Laboratory |
   6.64 Organization: Laboratory |
   6.65 Patient: Animal |
   6.66 Patient: Laboratory |
   6.67 Practitioner: Laboratory |
   6.68 PractitionerRole: Laboratory |
   6.69 ServiceRequest: Laboratory |
   6.70 Specimen: Laboratory |
   6.71 Quantity: Laboratory |
   6.72 Ratio: Laboratory |
   6.73 eHDSI Animal Species with exceptions |
   6.74 eHDSI Body Site with exceptions |
   6.75 eHDSI Body Structure Location Qualifier with exceptions |
   6.76 eHDSI Laboratory Codes with exceptions |
   6.77 eHDSI Laboratory Specimen Type with exceptions |
   6.78 eHDSI Laboratory Study Types with exceptions |
   6.79 eHDSI Laboratory Technique with exceptions |
   6.80 eHDSI Medical Device with exceptions |
   6.81 eHDSI Morphologic Abnormality with exceptions |
   6.82 eHDSI Observation Interpretation with exceptions |
   6.83 eHDSI Order Reason |
   6.84 eHDSI Reference Range Applies To with exceptions |
   6.85 eHDSI Reference Range Meaning with exceptions |
   6.86 eHDSI Results Coded Value Laboratory with exceptions |
   6.87 Bundle: example |
   6.88 Composition: example |
   6.89 DiagnosticReport: example |
   6.90 Observation: Blood Group |
   6.91 Observation: Ratio example |
   6.92 Patient: example |
   6.93 ServiceRequest: example |
   6.94 Specimen: animal subject |
   6.95 Specimen: bodyStructure example |
   6.96 Specimen: device subject |