MyHealth@Eu Laboratory Report
0.0.1 - qa-preview 150

This page is part of the MyHealth@Eu Laboratory Report (v0.0.1: QA Preview) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: eHDSI Unit

Official URL: Version: 0.0.1
Standards status: Draft Maturity Level: 1 Computable Name: EHDSIUnit
Other Identifiers: OID:

eHDSI Unit


Logical Definition (CLD)

  • Include these codes as defined in
    %{abnormal}percent abnormal
    %{activity}percent activity
    %{aggregation}percent aggregation
    %{at_60_min}percent at 60 minute
    %{bacteria}percent of bacteria
    %{basal_activity}percent basal activity
    %{baseline}percent of baseline
    %{binding}percent binding
    %{blockade}percent blockade
    %{blocked}percent blocked
    %{bound}percent bound
    %{breakdown}percent breakdown
    %{cells}percent of cells
    %{deficient}percent deficient
    %{dose}percent dose
    %{excretion}percent excretion
    %{Hb}percent hemoglobin
    %{hemolysis}percent hemolysis
    %{index}percent index
    %{inhibition}percent inhibition
    %{loss_AChR}percent loss of acetylcholine receptor
    %{loss}percent loss
    %{lysis}percent lysis
    %{normal}percent normal
    %{penetration}percent penetration
    %{pooled_plasma}percent normal pooled plasma
    %{positive}percent positive
    %{RBCs}percent of red blood cells
    %{reactive}percent reactive
    %{recovery}percent recovery
    %{reference}percent reference
    %{relative}relative percent
    %{residual}percent residual
    %{response}percent response
    %{saturation}percent saturation
    %{total}percent total
    %{uptake}percent uptake
    %{viable}percent viable
    %{vol}percent by volume
    %{WBCs}percent of white blood cells
    /(12.h)per twelve hour
    /[arb'U]per arbitrary unit
    /[HPF]per high power field
    /[IU]per international unit
    /[LPF]per low power field
    /{entity}per entity
    /{OIF}per oil immersion field
    /10*10per 10 billion
    /10*12per trillion
    /10*12{RBCs}per trillion red blood cells
    /10*3per thousand
    /10*3{RBCs}per thousand red blood cells
    /10*4{RBCs}per 10 thousand red blood cells
    /10*6per million
    /10*9per billion
    /100per 100
    /100{cells}per 100 cells
    /100{neutrophils}per 100 neutrophils
    /100{spermatozoa}per 100 spermatozoa
    /100{WBCs}per 100 white blood cells
    /aper year
    /cm[H2O]per centimeter of water
    /dper day
    /dLper deciliter
    /gper gram
    /g{creat}per gram of creatinine
    /g{Hb}per gram of hemoglobin
    /g{tot_nit}per gram of total nitrogen
    /g{tot_prot}per gram of total protein
    /g{wet_tis}per gram of wet tissue
    /hper hour
    /kgper kilogram
    /kg{body_wt}per kilogram of body weight
    /Lper liter
    /m2per square meter
    /m3per cubic meter
    /mgper milligram
    /minper minute
    /mLper milliliter
    /mmper millimeter
    /mmol{creat}per millimole of creatinine
    /moper month
    /sper second
    /Uper enzyme unit
    /uLper microliter
    /wkper week
    [APL'U]IgA anticardiolipin unit**
    [APL'U]/mLIgA anticardiolipin unit per milliliter**
    [arb'U]arbitrary unit
    [arb'U]/mLarbitrary unit per milliliter
    [AU]allergy unit
    [bdsk'U]Bodansky unit
    [beth'U]Bethesda unit
    [CFU]colony forming unit
    [CFU]/Lcolony forming unit per liter
    [CFU]/mLcolony forming unit per milliliter
    [Ch]French (catheter gauge)
    [cin_i]cubic inch (international)
    [degF]degree Fahrenheit
    [dr_av]dram (US and British)
    [drp]drop (1/12 milliliter)
    [foz_us]fluid ounce (US)
    [ft_i]foot (international)
    [ft_us]/[ft_us]feet (US) per feet (US)
    [gal_us]gallon (US)
    [GPL'U]IgG anticardiolipin unit**
    [GPL'U]/mLIgG anticardiolipin unit per milliliter**
    [HPF]high power field
    [in_i]inch (international)
    [in_i'H2O]inch (international) of water
    [in_us]inches (US)
    [IU]international unit
    [IU]/(2.h)international unit per 2 hour
    [IU]/(24.h)international unit per 24 hour
    [IU]/10*9{RBCs}international unit per billion red blood cells
    [IU]/dinternational unit per day
    [IU]/dLinternational unit per deciliter
    [IU]/ginternational unit per gram
    [IU]/g{Hb}international unit per gram of hemoglobin
    [IU]/hinternational unit per hour
    [IU]/kginternational unit per kilogram
    [IU]/kg/dinternational unit per kilogram per day
    [IU]/Linternational unit per liter
    [IU]/L{37Cel}international unit per liter at 37 degrees Celsius
    [IU]/mg{creat}international unit per milligram of creatinine
    [IU]/mininternational unit per minute
    [IU]/mLinternational unit per milliliter
    [ka'U]King Armstrong unit
    [knk'U]Kunkel unit
    [lb_av]pound (US and British)
    [LPF]low power field
    [mclg'U]Maclagan unit
    [MET].min/wkmetabolic equivalent minute per week
    [mi_i]mile (international)
    [MPL'U]IgM anticardiolipin unit**
    [MPL'U]/mLIgM anticardiolipin unit per milliliter**
    [oz_av]ounce (US and British)
    [oz_tr]Troy ounce
    [ppb]part per billion
    [ppm]part per million
    [ppm]{v/v}part per million in volume per volume
    [ppth]part per thousand
    [pptr]part per trillion
    [psi]pound per square inch
    [pt_us]pint (US)
    [qt_us]quart (US)
    [sft_i]square foot (international)
    [sin_i]square inch (international)
    [syd_i]square yard (international)
    [tbs_us]tablespoon (US)
    [tb'U]tuberculin unit
    [todd'U]Todd unit
    [tsp_us]teaspoon (US)
    [yd_i]yard (international)
    {#}/[HPF]number per high power field
    {#}/[LPF]number per low power field
    {#}/{platelet}molecule per platelet
    {#}/anumber per annum (year)
    {#}/dnumber per day
    {#}/gnumber per gram
    {#}/Lnumber per liter
    {#}/minnumber per minute
    {#}/mLnumber per milliliter
    {#}/uLnumber per microliter
    {#}/wknumber per week
    {AHF'U}American Hospital Formulary unit
    {APS'U}IgA antiphosphatidylserine unit
    {ARU}aspirin response unit
    {beats}/minheart beats per minute
    {binding_index}binding index
    {breaths}/minbreaths per minute
    {CAE'U}complement activity enzyme unit
    {CAG_repeats}CAG trinucleotide repeats
    {cells}/[HPF]cells per high power field
    {cells}/uLcells per microliter
    {CH100'U}complement CH100 unit
    {clock_time}clock time e.g 12:30PM
    {copies}/mLcopies per milliliter
    {copies}/ugcopies per microgram
    {CPM}counts per minute
    {CPM}/10*3{cell}counts per minute per thousand cells
    {Ct_value}Cycle threshold value
    {delta_OD}change in (delta) optical density
    {Ehrlich'U}Ehrlich unit
    {Ehrlich'U}/(2.h)Ehrlich unit per 2 hour
    {Ehrlich'U}/100.gEhrlich unit per 100 gram
    {Ehrlich'U}/dEhrlich unit per day
    {Ehrlich'U}/dLEhrlich unit per deciliter
    {EIA_index}EIA index
    {EIA_titer}EIA titer
    {EIA'U}EIA unit
    {EIA'U}/UEIA unit per enzyme unit
    {ELISA'U}ELISA unit
    {EV}EIA value
    {FIU}fluorescent intensity unit
    {GAA_repeats}GAA trinucleotide repeats
    {genomes}/mLgenomes per milliliter
    {Globules}/[HPF]globules (drops) per high power field
    {GPS'U}IgG antiphosphatidylserine unit
    {HA_titer}influenza hemagglutination titer
    {IFA_index}immunofluorescence assay index
    {IFA_titer}Immunofluorescence assay titer
    {ImmuneComplex'U}immune complex unit
    {index_val}index value
    {index}index value
    {INR}international normalized ratio
    {ISR}immune status ratio
    {JDF'U}Juvenile Diabetes Foundation unit
    {JDF'U}/LJuvenile Diabetes Foundation unit per liter
    {KCT'U}kaolin clotting time
    {KRONU'U}/mLKronus unit per milliliter
    {Log_copies}/mLlog (base 10) copies per milliliter
    {Log_IU}log (base 10) international unit
    {Log_IU}/mLlog (base 10) international unit per milliliter
    {Log}log base 10
    {Lyme_index_value}Lyme index value
    {M.o.M}multiple of the median
    {minidrop}/minminidrop per minute
    {minidrop}/sminidrop per second
    {MPS'U}IgM antiphosphatidylserine unit
    {MPS'U}/mLIgM antiphosphatidylserine unit per milliliter
    {OD_unit}optical density unit
    {Pan_Bio'U}panbio unit
    {RBC}/uLred blood cell per microliter
    {rel_saturation}relative saturation
    {Rubella_virus}rubella virus
    {s_co_ratio}signal to cutoff ratio
    {spermatozoa}/mLspermatozoa per milliliter
    {STDV}standard deviation
    {TmStp}time stamp
    {Tscore}t score
    {TSI_index}thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin index
    {WBCs}white blood cells
    {Zscore}z score
    10*12/Ltrillion per liter
    10*3/Lthousand per liter
    10*3/mLthousand per milliliter
    10*3/uLthousand per microliter
    10*3{copies}/mLthousand copies per milliliter
    10*3{RBCs}thousand red blood cells
    10*4/uL10 thousand per microliter
    10*5one hundred thousand
    10*6.[CFU]/Lmillion colony forming unit per liter
    10*6.[IU]million international unit
    10*6/(24.h)million per 24 hour
    10*6/kgmillion per kilogram
    10*6/Lmillion per liter
    10*6/mLmillion per milliliter
    10*6/uLmillion per microliter
    10*8100 million
    10*9/Lbillion per liter
    10*9/mLbillion per milliliter
    10*9/uLbillion per microliter
    10.L/(min.m2)10 liter per minute per square meter
    10.L/min10 liter per minute
    10.uN.s/(cm5.m2)10 micronewton second per centimeter to the fifth power per square meter
    24.h24 hour
    A/mampere per meter
    ag/{cell}attogram per cell
    Celdegree Celsius
    cm/scentimeter per second
    cm[H2O]centimeter of water
    cm[H2O]/L/scentimeter of water per liter per second
    cm[H2O]/s/mcentimeter of water per second per meter
    cm[Hg]centimeter of mercury
    cm2square centimeter
    cm2/ssquare centimeter per second
    cm3cubic centimeter
    d/(7.d)day per 7 day
    d/wkdays per week
    daL/mindekaliter per minute
    daL/min/m2dekaliter per minute per square meter
    degdegree (plane angle)
    deg/sdegree per second
    dm2/s2square decimeter per square second
    dyn.s/(cm.m2)dyne second per centimeter per square meter
    dyn.s/cmdyne second per centimeter
    eq/Lequivalent per liter
    eq/mLequivalent per milliliter
    eq/mmolequivalent per millimole
    eq/umolequivalent per micromole
    eVelectron Volt
    fmol/gfemtomole per gram
    fmol/Lfemtomole per liter
    fmol/mgfemtomole per milligram
    fmol/mg{cyt_prot}femtomole per milligram of cytosol protein
    fmol/mg{prot}femtomole per milligram of protein
    fmol/mLfemtomole per milliliter
    g.mgram meter
    g.m/{beat}gram meter per heart beat
    g/(100.g)gram per 100 gram
    g/(12.h)gram per 12 hour
    g/(24.h)gram per 24 hour
    g/(3.d)gram per 3 days
    g/(4.h)gram per 4 hour
    g/(48.h)gram per 48 hour
    g/(5.h)gram per 5 hour
    g/(6.h)gram per 6 hour
    g/(72.h)gram per 72 hour
    g/(8.h){shift}gram per 8 hour shift
    g/{specimen}gram per specimen
    g/{total_output}gram per total output
    g/{total_weight}gram per total weight
    g/cm2gram per square centimeter
    g/cm3gram per cubic centimeter
    g/dgram per day
    g/dLgram per deciliter
    g/ggram per gram
    g/g{creat}gram per gram of creatinine
    g/g{globulin}gram per gram of globulin
    g/g{tissue}gram per gram of tissue
    g/hgram per hour
    g/h/m2gram per hour per square meter
    g/kggram per kilogram
    g/kg/(8.h)gram per kilogram per 8 hour
    g/kg/(8.h){shift}gram per kilogram per 8 hour shift
    g/kg/dgram per kilogram per day
    g/kg/hgram per kilogram per hour
    g/kg/mingram per kilogram per minute
    g/Lgram per liter
    g/m2gram per square meter
    g/mggram per milligram
    g/mingram per minute
    g/mLgram per milliliter
    g/mmolgram per millimole
    g/mol{creat}gram per mole of creatinine
    g{creat}gram of creatinine
    g{Hb}gram of hemoglobin
    g{total_nit}gram of total nitrogen
    g{total_prot}gram of total protein
    g{wet_tissue}gram of wet tissue
    h/dhour per day
    h/wkhour per week
    J/Ljoule per liter
    Kdegree Kelvin
    K/Wdegree Kelvin per Watt
    k[IU]/Lkilo international unit per liter
    k[IU]/mLkilo international unit per milliliter
    kat/kgkatal per kilogram
    kat/Lkatal per liter
    kcal/(24.h)kilocalorie per 24 hour
    kcal/[oz_av]kilocalorie per ounce (US & British)
    kcal/dkilocalorie per day
    kcal/hkilocalorie per hour
    kcal/kg/(24.h)kilocalorie per kilogram per 24 hour
    kg.m/skilogram meter per second
    kg/(s.m2)kilogram per second per square meter
    kg/hkilogram per hour
    kg/Lkilogram per liter
    kg/m2kilogram per square meter
    kg/m3kilogram per cubic meter
    kg/minkilogram per minute
    kg/molkilogram per mole
    kg/skilogram per second
    kUkilo enzyme unit
    kU/gkilo enzyme unit per gram
    kU/Lkilo enzyme unit per liter
    kU/L{class}kilo enzyme unit per liter class
    kU/mLkilo enzyme unit per milliliter
    L/(24.h)liter per 24 hour
    L/(8.h)liter per 8 hour
    L/(min.m2)liter per minute per square meter
    L/dliter per day
    L/hliter per hour
    L/kgliter per kilogram
    L/Lliter per liter
    L/minliter per minute
    L/min/m2liter per minute per sqaure meter
    L/sliter per second
    L/s/s2liter per second per square second
    lm.m2lumen square meter
    m/smeter per second
    m/s2meter per square second
    m[IU]/Lmilli international unit per liter
    m[IU]/mLmilli international unit per milliliter
    m2square meter
    m2/ssquare meter per second
    m3/scubic meter per second
    mbar.s/Lmillibar second per liter
    mbar/L/smillibar per liter per second
    meq/(2.h)milliequivalent per 2 hour
    meq/(24.h)milliequivalent per 24 hour
    meq/(8.h)milliequivalent per 8 hour
    meq/{specimen}milliequivalent per specimen
    meq/{total_volume}milliequivalent per total volume
    meq/dmilliequivalent per day
    meq/dLmilliequivalent per deciliter
    meq/gmilliequivalent per gram
    meq/g{creat}milliequivalent per gram of creatinine
    meq/hmilliequivalent per hour
    meq/kgmilliequivalent per kilogram
    meq/kg/hmilliequivalent per kilogram per hour
    meq/Lmilliequivalent per liter
    meq/m2milliequivalent per square meter
    meq/minmilliequivalent per minute
    meq/mLmilliequivalent per milliliter
    mg/(10.h)milligram per 10 hour
    mg/(12.h)milligram per 12 hour
    mg/(2.h)milligram per 2 hour
    mg/(24.h)milligram per 24 hour
    mg/(6.h)milligram per 6 hour
    mg/(72.h)milligram per 72 hour
    mg/(8.h)milligram per 8 hour
    mg/{collection}milligram per collection
    mg/{specimen}milligram per specimen
    mg/{total_output}milligram per total output
    mg/{total_volume}milligram per total volume
    mg/dmilligram per day
    mg/d/{1.73_m2}milligram per day per 1.73 square meter
    mg/dLmilligram per deciliter
    mg/dL{RBCs}milligram per deciliter of red blood cells
    mg/gmilligram per gram
    mg/g{creat}milligram per gram of creatinine
    mg/g{dry_tissue}milligram per gram of dry tissue
    mg/g{feces}milligram per gram of feces
    mg/g{tissue}milligram per gram of tissue
    mg/g{wet_tissue}milligram per gram of wet tissue
    mg/hmilligram per hour
    mg/kgmilligram per kilogram
    mg/kg/(8.h)milligram per kilogram per 8 hour
    mg/kg/dmilligram per kilogram per day
    mg/kg/hmilligram per kilogram per hour
    mg/kg/minmilligram per kilogram per minute
    mg/Lmilligram per liter
    mg/L{RBCs}milligram per liter of red blood cells
    mg/m2milligram per square meter
    mg/m3milligram per cubic meter
    mg/mgmilligram per milligram
    mg/mg{creat}milligram per milligram of creatinine
    mg/minmilligram per minute
    mg/mLmilligram per milliliter
    mg/mmolmilligram per millimole
    mg/mmol{creat}milligram per millimole of creatinine
    mg/wkmilligram per week
    mg{FEU}/Lmilligram fibrinogen equivalent unit per liter
    min/dminute per day
    min/wkminute per week
    mL/(10.h)milliliter per 10 hour
    mL/(12.h)milliliter per 12 hour
    mL/(2.h)milliliter per 2 hour
    mL/(24.h)milliliter per 24 hour
    mL/(4.h)milliliter per 4 hour
    mL/(5.h)milliliter per 5 hour
    mL/(6.h)milliliter per 6 hour
    mL/(72.h)milliliter per 72 hour
    mL/(8.h)milliliter per 8 hour
    mL/(8.h)/kgmilliliter per 8 hour per kilogram
    mL/[sin_i]milliliter per square inch (international)
    mL/{beat}milliliter per heart beat
    mL/{beat}/m2milliliter per heart beat per square meter
    mL/cm[H2O]milliliter per centimeter of water
    mL/dmilliliter per day
    mL/dLmilliliter per deciliter
    mL/hmilliliter per hour
    mL/kgmilliliter per kilogram
    mL/kg/(8.h)milliliter per kilogram per 8 hour
    mL/kg/dmilliliter per kilogram per day
    mL/kg/hmilliliter per kilogram per hour
    mL/kg/minmilliliter per kilogram per minute
    mL/m2milliliter per square meter
    mL/mbarmilliliter per millibar
    mL/minmilliliter per minute
    mL/min/{1.73_m2}milliliter per minute per 1.73 square meter
    mL/min/m2milliliter per minute per square meter
    mL/mmmilliliter per millimeter
    mL/smilliliter per second
    mL{fetal_RBCs}milliliter of fetal red blood cells
    mm/hmillimeter per hour
    mm/minmillimeter per minute
    mm[H2O]millimeter of water
    mm[Hg]millimeter of mercury
    mm2square millimeter
    mmol/(12.h)millimole per 12 hour
    mmol/(2.h)millimole per 2 hour
    mmol/(24.h)millimole per 24 hour
    mmol/(5.h)millimole per 5 hour
    mmol/(6.h)millimole per 6 hour
    mmol/(8.h)millimole per 8 hour
    mmol/{ejaculate}millimole per ejaculate
    mmol/{specimen}millimole per specimen
    mmol/{total_vol}millimole per total volume
    mmol/dmillimole per day
    mmol/dLmillimole per deciliter
    mmol/gmillimole per gram
    mmol/g{creat}millimole per gram of creatinine
    mmol/hmillimole per hour
    mmol/h/mg{Hb}millimole per hour per milligram of hemoglobin
    mmol/h/mg{prot}millimole per hour per milligram of protein
    mmol/kgmillimole per kilogram
    mmol/kg/(8.h)millimole per kilogram per 8 hour
    mmol/kg/dmillimole per kilogram per day
    mmol/kg/hmillimole per kilogram per hour
    mmol/kg/minmillimole per kilogram per minute
    mmol/Lmillimole per liter
    mmol/L{RBCs}millimole per liter of red blood cells
    mmol/m2millimole per square meter
    mmol/minmillimole per minute
    mmol/mmolmillimole per millimole
    mmol/mmol{creat}millimole per millmole of creatinine
    mmol/mmol{urea}millimole per millimole of urea
    mmol/molmillimole per mole
    mmol/mol{creat}millimole per mole of creatinine
    mmol/s/Lmillimole per second per liter
    mol/kgmole per kilogram
    mol/kg/smole per kilogram per second
    mol/Lmole per liter
    mol/m3mole per cubic meter
    mol/mLmole per milliliter
    mol/molmole per mole
    mol/smole per second
    mosm/kgmilliosmole per kilogram
    mosm/Lmilliosmole per liter
    mPa.smillipascal second
    mU/gmilli enzyme unit per gram
    mU/g{Hb}milli enzyme unit per gram of hemoglobin
    mU/g{prot}milli enzyme unit per gram of protein
    mU/Lmilli enzyme unit per liter
    mU/mgmilli enzyme unit per milligram
    mU/mg{creat}milli enzyme unit per milligram of creatinine
    mU/mLmilli enzyme unit per milliliter
    mU/mL/minmilli enzyme unit per milliliter per minute
    mU/mmol{creat}milli enzyme unit per millimole of creatinine
    mU/mmol{RBCs}milli enzyme unit per millimole of red blood cells
    mV/smillivolt per second
    N.cmNewton centimeter
    N.sNewton second
    ng/(24.h)nanogram per 24 hour
    ng/(8.h)nanogram per 8 hour
    ng/10*6nanogram per million
    ng/10*6{RBCs}nanogram per million red blood cells
    ng/dnanogram per day
    ng/dLnanogram per deciliter
    ng/gnanogram per gram
    ng/g{creat}nanogram per gram of creatinine
    ng/hnanogram per hour
    ng/kgnanogram per kilogram
    ng/kg/(8.h)nanogram per kilogram per 8 hour
    ng/kg/hnanogram per kilogram per hour
    ng/kg/minnanogram per kilogram per minute
    ng/Lnanogram per liter
    ng/m2nanogram per square meter
    ng/mgnanogram per milligram
    ng/mg/hnanogram per milligram per hour
    ng/mg{creat}nanogram per milligram of creatinine
    ng/mg{prot}nanogram per milligram of protein
    ng/minnanogram per minute
    ng/mLnanogram per millliiter
    ng/mL/hnanogram per milliliter per hour
    ng/mL{RBCs}nanogram per milliliter of red blood cells
    ng/snanogram per second
    ng/Unanogram per enzyme unit
    ng{FEU}/mLnanogram fibrinogen equivalent unit per milliliter
    nm/s/Lnanometer per second per liter
    nmol/(24.h)nanomole per 24 hour
    nmol/dnanomole per day
    nmol/dLnanomole per deciliter
    nmol/dL{GF}nanomole per deciliter of glomerular filtrate
    nmol/gnanomole per gram
    nmol/g{creat}nanomole per gram of creatinine
    nmol/g{dry_wt}nanomole per gram of dry weight
    nmol/h/Lnanomole per hour per liter
    nmol/h/mg{prot}nanomole per hour per milligram of protein
    nmol/h/mLnanomole per hour per milliliter
    nmol/Lnanomole per liter
    nmol/L/mmol{creat}nanomole per liter per millimole of creatinine
    nmol/L{RBCs}nanomole per liter of red blood cells
    nmol/m/mg{prot}nanomole per meter per milligram of protein
    nmol/mgnanomole per milligram
    nmol/mg/hnanomole per milligram per hour
    nmol/mg{creat}nanomole per milligram of creatinine
    nmol/mg{prot}nanomole per milligram of protein
    nmol/mg{prot}/hnanomole per milligram of protein per hour
    nmol/minnanomole per minute
    nmol/min/10*6{cells}nanomole per minute per million cells
    nmol/min/mg{Hb}nanomole per minute per milligram of hemoglobin
    nmol/min/mg{prot}nanomole per minute per milligram of protein
    nmol/min/mg{protein}nanomole per minute per milligram protein
    nmol/min/mLnanomole per minute per milliliter
    nmol/mLnanomole per milliliter
    nmol/mL/hnanomole per milliliter per hour
    nmol/mL/minnanomole per milliliter per minute
    nmol/mmolnanomole per millimole
    nmol/mmol{creat}nanomole per millimole of creatinine
    nmol/molnanomole per mole
    nmol/mol{creat}nanomole per mole creatinine
    nmol/nmolnanomole per nanomole
    nmol/snanomole per second
    nmol/s/Lnanomole per second per liter
    nmol/umol{creat}nanomole per micromole of creatinine
    nmol{ATP}nanomole of ATP
    nmol{BCE}nanomole bone collagen equivalent
    nmol{BCE}/Lnanomole bone collagen equivalent per liter
    nU/{RBC}nanoenzyme unit per red blood cell
    nU/mLnanoenzyme unit per milliliter
    Ohm.mOhm meter
    osm/kgosmole per kilogram
    osm/Losmole per liter
    pg/{cell}picogram per cell
    pg/{RBC}picogram per red blood cell
    pg/dLpicogram per deciliter
    pg/Lpicogram per liter
    pg/mgpicogram per milligram
    pg/mg{creat}picogram per milligram of creatinine
    pg/mLpicogram per milliliter
    pg/mL{sLT}picogram per milliliter sulfidoleukotrienes
    pg/mmpicogram per millimeter
    pmol/(24.h)picomole per 24 hour
    pmol/{RBC}picomole per red blood cell
    pmol/dpicomole per day
    pmol/dLpicomole per deciliter
    pmol/gpicomole per gram
    pmol/h/mg{prot}picomole per hour per milligram of protein
    pmol/H/mg{protein}picomole per hour per milligram protein
    pmol/h/mLpicomole per hour per milliliter
    pmol/Lpicomole per liter
    pmol/mg{prot}picomole per milligram of protein
    pmol/minpicomole per minute
    pmol/min/mg{prot}picomole per minute per milligram of protein
    pmol/mLpicomole per milliliter
    pmol/mmol{creat}picomole per millimole of creatinine
    pmol/umolpicomole per micromole
    pmol/umol{creat}picomole per micromole of creatinine
    s/{control}second per control
    tmetric ton
    Uenzyme unit
    U/(10.g){feces}enzyme unit per 10 gram of feces
    U/(12.h)enzyme unit per 12 hour
    U/(2.h)enzyme unit per 2 hour
    U/(24.h)enzyme unit per 24 hour
    U/10enzyme unit per 10
    U/10*10enzyme unit per 10 billion
    U/10*10{cells}enzyme unit per 10 billion cells
    U/10*12enzyme unit per trillion
    U/10*12{RBCs}enzyme unit per trillion red blood cells
    U/10*6enzyme unit per million
    U/10*9enzyme unit per billion
    U/denzyme unit per day
    U/dLenzyme unit per deciliter
    U/genzyme unit per gram
    U/g{creat}enzyme unit per gram of creatinine
    U/g{Hb}enzyme unit per gram of hemoglobin
    U/g{protein}enzyme unit per gram of protein
    U/henzyme unit per hour
    U/kg{Hb}enzyme unit per kilogram of hemoglobin
    U/Lenzyme unit per liter
    U/minenzyme unit per minute
    U/mLenzyme unit per milliliter
    U/mL{RBCs}enzyme unit per milliliter of red blood cells
    U/mmol{creat}enzyme unit per millimole of creatinine
    U/senzyme unit per second
    u[IU]micro international unit
    u[IU]/Lmicrointernational unit per liter
    u[IU]/mLmicro international unit per milliliter
    U{25Cel}/Lenzyme unit per liter at 25 deg Celsius
    U{37Cel}/Lenzyme unit per liter at 37 deg Celsius
    ueq/Lmicroequivalent per liter
    ueq/mLmicroequivalent per milliliter
    ug/(100.g)microgram per 100 gram
    ug/(24.h)microgram per 24 hour
    ug/(8.h)microgram per 8 hour
    ug/[sft_i]microgram per square foot (international)
    ug/{specimen}microgram per specimen
    ug/dmicrogram per day
    ug/dLmicrogram per deciliter
    ug/dL{RBCs}microgram per deciliter of red blood cells
    ug/gmicrogram per gram
    ug/g{creat}microgram per gram of creatinine
    ug/g{dry_tissue}microgram per gram of dry tissue
    ug/g{dry_wt}microgram per gram of dry weight
    ug/g{feces}microgram per gram of feces
    ug/g{hair}microgram per gram of hair
    ug/g{Hb}microgram per gram of hemoglobin
    ug/g{tissue}microgram per gram of tissue
    ug/hmicrogram per hour
    ug/kgmicrogram per kilogram
    ug/kg/(8.h)microgram per kilogram per 8 hour
    ug/kg/dmicrogram per kilogram per day
    ug/kg/hmicrogram per kilogram per hour
    ug/kg/minmicrogram per kilogram per minute
    ug/Lmicrogram per liter
    ug/L/(24.h)microgram per liter per 24 hour
    ug/L{RBCs}microgram per liter of red blood cells
    ug/m2microgram per square meter
    ug/m3microgram per cubic meter
    ug/mgmicrogram per milligram
    ug/mg{creat}microgram per milligram of creatinine
    ug/minmicrogram per minute
    ug/mLmicrogram per milliliter
    ug/mL{class}microgram per milliliter class
    ug/mL{eqv}microgram per milliliter equivalent
    ug/mmolmicrogram per millimole
    ug/mmol{creat}microgram per millimole of creatinine
    ug/ngmicrogram per nanogram
    ug{FEU}/mLmicrogram fibrinogen equivalent unit per milliliter
    uL/(2.h)microliter per 2 hour
    uL/hmicroliter per hour
    um/smicrons per second
    umol/(2.h)micromole per 2 hour
    umol/(24.h)micromole per 24 hour
    umol/(8.h)micromole per 8 hour
    umol/10*6{RBC}micromole per million red blood cell
    umol/dmicromole per day
    umol/dLmicromole per deciliter
    umol/dL{GF}micromole per deciliter of glomerular filtrate
    umol/gmicromole per gram
    umol/g{creat}micromole per gram of creatinine
    umol/g{Hb}micromole per gram of hemoglobin
    umol/hmicromole per hour
    umol/kgmicromole per kilogram
    umol/kg{feces}micromole per kilogram of feces
    umol/Lmicromole per liter
    umol/L/hmicromole per liter per hour
    umol/L{RBCs}micromole per liter of red blood cells
    umol/mgmicromole per milligram
    umol/mg{creat}micromole per milligram of creatinine
    umol/minmicromole per minute
    umol/min/gmicromole per minute per gram
    umol/min/g{mucosa}micromole per minute per gram of mucosa
    umol/min/g{prot}micromole per minute per gram of protein
    umol/min/Lmicromole per minute per liter
    umol/mLmicromole per milliliter
    umol/mL/minmicromole per milliliter per minute
    umol/mmolmicromole per millimole
    umol/mmol{creat}micromole per millimole of creatinine
    umol/molmicromole per mole
    umol/mol{creat}micromole per mole of creatinine
    umol/mol{Hb}micromole per mole of hemoglobin
    umol/umolmicromole per micromole
    umol/umol{creat}micromole per micromole of creatinine
    umol{BCE}/molmicromole bone collagen equivalent per mole
    uU/gmicro enzyme unit per gram
    uU/Lmicro enzyme unit per liter
    uU/mLmicro enzyme unit per milliliter
    10*-3ten to the power of minus three
    10*-3.[IU]/Lten to the power of minus three international unit per liter
    10*-6ten to the power of minus six
    g/molgram per mole
    mg/molmilligram per mole
    nmol/[IU]nanomole per international unit
    10*-9ten to the power of minus nine
    10*6.[IU]/Lmillion international unit per liter
    10*9/kgbillion per kilogram
    10*3.[arb'U]/Lmillion arbitrary unit per liter
    10*3.[IU]/Lmillion international unit per liter
    [arb'U]/Larbitrary unit per liter
    cm-2per square centimeter
    g/min.m2gram per minute square meter
    kg/dkilogram per day
    kJ/Lkilojoule per liter
    kU/kgkilo enzyme unit per kilogram
    kU/molkilo enzyme unit per mole
    mkat/Lmillikatal per liter
    mkat/molmillikatal per mole
    mm2/ssquare millimeter per second
    mmol/m3millimole per cubic meter
    mmol/smillimole per second
    mol/kg.smole per kilogram second
    mol/dmole per day
    ng/[IU]nanogram per international unit
    nkat/Lnanokatal per liter
    nmol/kgnanomole per kilogram
    nmol/m3nanomole per cubic meter
    pmol/kgpicomole per kilogram
    pmol/m3picomole per cubic meter
    pUpico enzyme unit
    U/kgenzyme unit per kilogram
    ukat/dmicrokatal per day
    ukat/kgmicrokatal per kilogram
    ukat/Lmicrokatal per liter
    ukat/smicrokatal per second
    um2square micrometer
    umol/kg.smicromole per kilogram second
    umol/m3micromole per cubic meter



Expansion based on codesystem UCUM version 2.0.1

This value set contains 890 concepts.


Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code