MyHealth@Eu Hospital Discharge Report
0.0.1 - qa-preview 150

MyHealth@Eu Hospital Discharge Report - Local Development build (v0.0.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Bundle: Hospital Discharge Report

Clinical document used to represent a Hospital Discharge Report for the scope of MyHealth@EU.

Composition: Hospital Discharge Report

Clinical document used to represent a Hospital Discharge Report (HDR) for the scope of MyHealth@EU.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

eHDSI Animal Species

The Value Set is used to code the animal species of specimen subject (animal of the patient)

eHDSI Animal Species with exceptions

The Value Set is used to code the animal species of specimen subject (animal of the patient). It also includes exceptional values.

eHDSI Blood Group

The Value Set is used to code the value of patient's blood group + Rh

eHDSI Body Site

The Value Set is used for the details about the anatomical location of a specimen in the Laboratory Result Report or the target body location of a procedure in the Patient Summary.

eHDSI Body Site Laterality

This Value Set is used for the body structure site laterality qualifier. It indicates the body site laterality from which a laboratory specimen is collected.

eHDSI Body Site with exceptions

The Value Set is used for the details about the anatomical location of a specimen in the Laboratory Result Report or the target body location of a procedure in the Patient Summary. It includes also exceptional values.

eHDSI Body Structure Location Qualifier

This Value Set is used for the body structure location qualifier. Concepts modifying the anatomic location.

eHDSI Body Structure Location Qualifier with exceptions

This Value Set is used for the body structure location qualifier. Concepts modifying the anatomic location. It also includes exceptional values.

eHDSI Country

The Value Set is used to identify the nationality of all persons and organizations.

eHDSI Exceptional Value

The Value Set is used to code exceptional values for the required binding in FHIR IGs

eHDSI Illness and Disorder

The complete content of ICD-10, excluding Chapter XX.

eHDSI Laboratory Codes

This Value Set is used for the standard laboratory codes

eHDSI Laboratory Codes with exceptions

This Value Set is used for the standard laboratory codes. It also includes exceptional values.

eHDSI Laboratory Report Types

eHDSI Laboratory Report Types

eHDSI Laboratory Specimen Type

This Value Set is used for the kind of material that forms the specimen

eHDSI Laboratory Specimen Type with exceptions

This Value Set is used for the kind of material that forms the specimen. It also includes exceptional values

eHDSI Laboratory Study Types

eHDSI Laboratory Study Types. Notes: Note 1: 26436-6 (Laboratory studies) enables issuing a report putting together observations from multiple specialties (disciplines) in the same text block, allowing delivery of a global interpretation comment at the end of the text block that will be rendered at the end of the report. Note 2: Mycology and parasitology, as well as bacteriology, are part of the 18725-2 (Microbiology studies (set)) studies. Note 3: Virology MAY be included in 18725-2 (MICROBIOLOGY STUDIES) or 18727-8 (SEROLOGY STUDIES) or split between both study types, depending upon the Content Creator Actor’s choice.

eHDSI Laboratory Study Types with exceptions

eHDSI Laboratory Study Types. Notes: Note 1: 26436-6 (Laboratory studies) enables issuing a report putting together observations from multiple specialties (disciplines) in the same text block, allowing delivery of a global interpretation comment at the end of the text block that will be rendered at the end of the report. Note 2: Mycology and parasitology, as well as bacteriology, are part of the 18725-2 (Microbiology studies (set)) studies. Note 3: Virology MAY be included in 18725-2 (MICROBIOLOGY STUDIES) or 18727-8 (SEROLOGY STUDIES) or split between both study types, depending upon the Content Creator Actor’s choice. It includes also exceptional values.

eHDSI Laboratory Technique

This Value Set is used to encode laboratory technique for the result measurement

eHDSI Laboratory Technique with exceptions

This Value Set is used to encode laboratory technique for the result measurement. It also includes exceptional values.

eHDSI Language

The Value Set is used to identify the language the document will be written with.

eHDSI Medical Device

eHDSI Medical Device

eHDSI Medical Device with exceptions

eHDSI Medical Device. The Value Set contains exceptional values.

eHDSI Microorganism

eHDSI Morphologic Abnormality

eHDSI Morphologic Abnormality

The Value Set is used to code the morphological abnormalities of the anatomical location where the material is taken.

eHDSI Morphologic Abnormality with exceptions

The Value Set is used to code the morphological abnormalities of the anatomical location where the material is taken. It also includes exceptional values.

eHDSI Observation Interpretation

This Value Set is used for a rough qualitative interpretation of the Laboratory Observation Results

eHDSI Observation Interpretation with exceptions

This Value Set is used for a rough qualitative interpretation of the Laboratory Observation Results. It also includes exceptional values.

eHDSI Observation category

This Value Set is used for the Laboratory Observation Results Category code

eHDSI Order Reason

The Value Set is used to code clinical conditions relevant for the laboratory results interpretation. It is defined as the union of: (a) EHDSIIllnessandDisorder (b) EHDSIRareDisease (c) EHDSIReactionAllergy (d) EHDSIExceptionalValue

eHDSI Performer Function

Laboratory Performer Function

eHDSI Presence Absence

The Value Set is used to describe presence and absence findings (qualifier values) of the Laboratory Test Results

eHDSI Rare Disease

The Value Set is used to describe the problems and medication reasons.

eHDSI Reaction Allergy

Value Set is used to encode clinical manifestation of the allergic reaction.

eHDSI Reference Range Applies To

This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the particular target population the reference range applies to

eHDSI Reference Range Applies To with exceptions

This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the particular target population the reference range applies to. It also includes exceptional values.

eHDSI Reference Range Meaning

This value set defines a set of codes for a reference range qualifier

eHDSI Reference Range Meaning with exceptions

This value set defines a set of codes for a reference range qualifier. It also includes exceptional values.

eHDSI Results Coded Value Laboratory with exceptions

The Value Set is used to code the value of laboratory observation result. It is defined as the union of: (a) eHDSIBloodGroup (b) eHDSIPresenceAbsence (c) eHDSIMicroorganism (d) eHDSIExceptionalValue

eHDSI Unit

eHDSI Unit

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

Actor Laboratory Report Consumer

Laboratory Report Report Consumer: a system receiving/querying and using a Laboratory Report.

Actor Laboratory Report Creator

Laboratory Report Creator: a system generating and sending/providing a Laboratory Report to a Consumer or to a Repository for report storage and sharing.

Actor Laboratory Report Handler

Laboratory Report Handler: a generic system dealing with Laboratory Reports

Actor Laboratory Report Repository

Laboratory Report Report Repository: a system maintaining a copy of the received Laboratory Report, to store and make it availaìble for the consumers.