MyHealth@Eu NCPeH API
0.0.1 - ci-build 150

MyHealth@Eu NCPeH API - Local Development build (v0.0.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Get Study Metadata (HL7 FHIR)

The HL7 FHIR ImagingStudy resource is a representation of the content produced in a DICOM imaging study. and it represents only one DICOM Study an it may reference the whole study or a subset of that Study. More than one ImagingStudy MAY reference the same DICOM Study or different subsets of the same DICOM Study..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" standalone="no"?>Requesting NCPRequesting NCPResponding NCPResponding NCPImagingStudy Search$server/ImageStudy?<searchParameters><modifiers>Bundle.where(type='searchSet').entry.resource.ofType(ImageStudy)

Request: Search / Fetch Imaging Study(s)

Parameter Consumer Provider searchParameter type notes
Body site SHOULD SHOULD bodysite token The body site studied
Instance SOP Class MAY MAY dicom-class token The type of the instance (SOP Class)
Identifier SHALL SHALL identifier token Identifiers for the Study
Modality SHALL SHALL modality token The modality of the series
Patient business identifier SHALL SHALL patient reference It requires chained parameter (patient.identifier) supported
Study reason MAY SHALL reason token The reason for the study
Study Date SHALL SHALL started date When the study was started

The provider shall support the combination of required search parameters


All the Imaging Studies of the Czech patient 456789123 started on 2024.

GET $server/ImagingStudy?patient.identifier=|456789123&started=ge2024-01-01&started=le2024-12-31

All the Imaging Studies of the Czech patient 456789123 made in reason of a Kidney disease (disorder) (SCT 90708001)

GET $server/ImagingStudy?patient.identifier=|456789123&reasonCode=|90708001

All the Imaging Studies of the Czech patient 456789123 including Magnetic Resonance series

GET $server/ImagingStudy?patient.identifier=|456789123&modality=MR

Response: Search / Fetch Report(s)

If present, a search set Bundle including a set of ImagingStudy compliant with the [ImagingStudy] (to be specified) profile is returned.

HTTP Error Response Codes

HTTP Response Description
401 Unauthorized authorization is required for the interaction that was attempted
404 Not Found resource type not supported, or not a FHIR end-point
410 Gone resource deleted or no more active